Wednesday, June 25, 2008


At first, with the title I was going to talk about public relations and how California is basically the most socially diverse segregated state in the US, but then I decided to save that thought for later.  Instead I'm going to explore some of my ideas about dating.

Just a moment of truth, I have never dated anyone outside of a school event so I am not speaking much from personal experience, more of what I see occurring and how I think the world works.

History on "dating", which more or less will first require a definition shall be the start.  By wikipedia dating is.  Basically the purpose of dating is to find your mate, and not your best pirate friend, although those are nice, the point is to get hitched at the end.  I kinda like this plan, little Ky's running around and terrorizing the world kind of gives me a warm feeling just above my stomach, kinda like when the waffles go down, hmm.  Yummy.

History lesson time.  Dating didn't use to exist!  Gasp!  Shock and awe, I'm sure all of you knew this, but get over your smartness, this is my soap box.  Parents used to set people up, and basically force them to get hitched, arranged marriages. I'm not sure why this is exactly, but by and large this worked, I mean, were all here today aren't we?  Somewhere along the line this all changed.  Now we have mostly adolescent dating, and adult marriage.

First off, we all know that teenagers hormones are raging, its how it works, and it used to be that said teenagers would be married before or during their college years, very early by todays standards.  This was either because parents didn't want to have to deal with insane young adults that can't control themselves, it was time to get hitched or the economy needed more workers.  It's probly a mix of all of these but the thing is that modern teens are missing something because they have to wait to get married till much later in life.

Teen marriage is mostly put off because formal education is deemed more important than emotional or relational stability.  Education is not the problem because learning is important, but it should come after personal well being.

This all said, the modern teenager attempts to resolve his instability by dating.  Unfortunately this is also used as an expression of social status (have you ever met a 5th grader who is dating? it boggles the mind).  So college is seen as the end all by many who didn't for a many number of reasons date in high school.  I am in this line of thought.

College won't free me, it won't find me a wife, but what I hope it does is relieve the pressures of high school to maintain social appearances.  There are quite a few amazing girls that I would never have been able to date because of who they were socially.  Did I mind, not really, but was it a problem, kind of.

High schools purpose is not social interaction, high school is basically a prison of learning.

So what am I going to do?  I'm going to break the freaking mold.  Couple weeks here and I am going to ask one of those high school girls on a...well it's a thing, appearances still get the best of us I am afraid.  Will anything come of it?  Who knows, do I care?  Not really, I'm more worried about having fun.  So by definition, it's not really a date at all is it?

Note:  Courtship has been left out of this not because it does not apply, but because it deserves a post on its own.  This post may or may not happen.

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